
An alumni donation recognition brick

Successful outreach campaigns in the areas of planned giving, major donor acquisition, direct mail, crowd-funding, grant proposals, special events, and endowed funds. 

Major Donor and Planned Giving

  • Conducted successful major donor campaigns yielding an average of $35K per year.
  • Secured multiple six-figure bequests over the past decade for both general and restricted purposes.
  • Obtained five-figure matching contributions from individual donors for special projects that exceeded the initial fundraising goals.

Grant Proposals and Project Implementation

  • Successful development of foundation, corporate and federal grant proposals totaling more than $3.5 million; and efficient management of grant projects totaling more than $4.2 million.
  • Project funders include: the Alfred P. Sloan, Ford, Cafritz, Joyce, Rockefeller, MacArthur, McCann, and Seiler Foundations, the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (HHS), the National Science Foundation, the Office of Research Integrity (HHS), the U.S. Small Business Administration, and the U.S. Agency for International Development.
At a fundraising gala event

Fundraising Events

Collaborated with staff and volunteers to organize numerous successful fundraising events, including gala celebrations, award presentations, walk-a-thons, cook-off competitions, casino nights, luncheons, conferences and parties.

“Alyson is a talented fundraiser, Board member, and volunteer extraordinaire. I worked with her closely in all three capacities while serving as the Executive Director of the Anacostia Watershed Society. Alyson was instrumental in supporting the work of our Development Director to greatly expand our corporate and foundation grants program, conducting extensive prospect research and following up with letters of inquiry and drafting proposals. She did all of this work as an unpaid volunteer and then transitioned into a role as a Board member when she found a new job as Executive Director of another organization. While on the Board, she was instrumental in advocating for the organization’s first ever Strategic Plan, and was an active participant throughout that process. Alyson would be a tremendous asset to any nonprofit needing assistance with governance, fundraising or strategic planning.”

Jim Connolly, former Executive Director and current Board member, Anacostia Watershed Society

In the five years I have known Alyson, we collaborated on two grant applications to the National Endowment for the Humanities, both of which were successful. These were for seasons of the linguistics-themed podcast, Subtitle, co-produced by the Linguistic Society of America and my LLC. As director of the NEH-funded projects, Alyson oversaw their administration and budget. I was especially impressed by her indefatigable dedication to navigating federal bureaucracy and ensuring that our projects were always in compliance. Alyson is a whip-smart, reliable, no-nonsense administrator—and also a very funny person. I thank my lucky stars that I got to work with her. 

Patrick Cox, Producer, Subtitle Podcast

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