Gender Equity

I possess a unique combination of credentials and expertise at the intersection of issues relating to gender, research and public policy.

At the Smithsonian exhibit in observance of the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage

I have had the good fortune to know Alyson Reed since she first began as the Executive Director of the LSA, of which I am a member. I worked with her in many capacities, but probably most intensively with respect to the committee which was until recently known as COSWL (Committee on the Status of Women in Linguistics) but is now called COGEL (Committee on Gender Equity in Linguistics). I always found Alyson to be helpful, supportive, and constructive with respect to the many issues that we raised. Importantly, she was always able to take a big picture view and advise us strategically in ways that we sometimes had not thought about. I really respect her abilities as a leader, and am very grateful to her for the improvements that she brought to all aspects of the society.

Monica Macaulay, Professor of Language Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison

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